Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Feeling Good

Helloo  peeps!

Im back to my all time lover now. Home sweet homey. Hehehe. Just finished final exams yesterday. Everything seems okay unless my account paper. Entah lah. On the one hand, I wanted to describe it as a very difficult, tough questions but on the other hand, I couldnt blame anything else except myself because it was me studying at the eleventh hour. Harap-harap lulus. *fingercrossed*

Okay left that behind now lets talk about my 5 weeks semester break. Yeayyy! I have few plans in mind which I just figured out this evening. Almaklumlah duduk rumah tak buat apa pun today. Dah lah bangun lambat, lepas tengok tv, makan and makan and makan lagi. So far paling last makan icecream pukul 8 tadi and now dah mengantuk dah pun. Hahaha! What a lazy day kan? Excuse me for that.Kan baru habis exam konon nak release stress lahh. Ahaks.

Tell you what, Im so happy being here. Yelaah sapa tak happy kan duduk rumah. Im sure you guys pun sama. For me, if I were away, I will be missing a lot of things. For instance, lately ni my dad came up with a new serious disease (like real serious huhu). Since he heard my siblings and I teasing our cousin calling her hubby 'baby', my dad also ordered my mom to call him 'baby'. ;p So now we have one 'baby tua' in our family. Hahaha. Eh no, he addresses himself as baby senior. Lol. And if my mom lupa panggil baby, he will make faces and ofcos merajuk. Hahaha macam budak kecik je but seeing them like this, I am so contented and jealous at the same time. Semoga Allah panjangkan jodoh mereka till the end of their life and hopefully, sampai syurga. Aminn.

Eh you guys tahu kan pasal Big Bad Wolf  Books? I so want to go there and grab some tapi takde sapa nak teman. Sedih betul. My Seremban gang semua tak cuti and ada yang tengah struggling dekat overseas tu haa. Nak pergi makan cendol pun takde gang. Ahh I miss our cendol session. Iskk tiba-tiba sebak pulak. :( Korang balik la cuti sini cepattt.  Esp Dhati yang tak sempat join the sesh and Cokey who owes a sesh. hahaha. And also Fy who is not really into cendol tapi minum kuah je. XD Also also also Claire and Beta yang susah nak jumpa macam dieorang pun study abroad jugak. Heh. Aishh malas la nak cerita panjang pasal all these people. Nanti dieorang sedih pulak. (baik punya cover teeheee)

Still, I have to admit that most people I adore is not always around me. Hakim is in Penang, sister in Mos-the-cow and my TR Girls pun are all over the world. Jumpa jarang-jarang. Luckily we have Fb, Twiter and blablabla to keep connecting. Yeah very lucky. Indeed. :)

Hmm I think thats all for now. I babbled too long, didnt I? Hoho. Take care lovers. Happy holiday!

And please please respect people around you. Be it friends or foes. You just don't know what will happen in future. Nothing is wrong with being nice to everyone as long as it don't cross any border. Suck you hatred in. It costs nothing and I know, it is easier said than done. Peace! :)

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Daddy's fav

Went to Kuantan today to pick up my brother. It's my third or fourth times if Im not mistaken. What can I say is Kuantan is a big city, and wayyy hotter than KL and Seremban. Hehh.

Betul orang cakap if travel ramai-ramai lagi seronok. I think that's what my dad felt just now. You guys know how thrill and hilly Highway Karak is right? Every driver is alarmed about the condition of the road and the stories behind the scene, but my dad took that as an oppurtunity for him to reminisce his good old times driving car at the speed of light.

If tak cukup kuat, you may puke.A lottt. Yeah KL-Karak banyak sangat selekoh tajam okay. But I quite enjoy the moment. And my dad boleh cakap macam ni, "lepas gian". Lol. Now I know where did my big brother gets the guts to drive laju-laju macam brake tak wujud dalam dunia ni. Hahaha.

Got into KL land around 6.30 pm and had to go through god-knows-how-bad traffic jammed. Well no complains though. I think thats all for now. Bye. :)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Double two

I am not a sweet-talker but still, I hope I can write a heart-melting speech on your birthday.

I am not a superwoman but still, I hope I can draw a big smile on your sad face.

I am not one of the Wonder girls but still, I hope I can do their breath taking dance to make you laugh.

And above all, I am just an amateur who still makes mistakes in my life. Once again, I have spoiled your birthday for the third time. But lets hope I will become a professional next year. heh

Happy 20th birthday my love!  
A year bigger, and wiser of course. :)  
May Allah bless you always. Sorry for the tears darling.
I cannot promise you a perfect relationship without any fight, 
but I can tell you I will try my best to make my mess up back. 
The best part is ours is not Romeo & Juliet. 
Its extra-ordinary in its own way.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Mommy's liitle girl

Home for study week. Yeahh lets pray I really use my time for that. heheh.

So ikut plan asal nak balik Segamat on friday but terpaksa tunda sabtu. Tell you what, my mom has already assigned me with few errands. She's having a small openhouse for her friends and the neighborhood this friday. What more sickening is only me and Imran will be around on that day to help her preparing foods and other stuffs. Abang awal-awal dah cakap busy ada event. Hishh.pandai budak bulat tu buat excuse hahaha. Tapi takpelah kan. I am happy seeing her happy so I dont have problem to sacrifice half of my study week for her.

I found this video too amusing, too cuteeee and a must share. :) Bukan senang nak jumpa budak kecik tak menangis bila jari dia kena gigit. Try la bite your own finger. Confirm jerit kuat tak ingat. Hahaha.

On the other hand, the bf baru text cakap he's out for futsal. Ahh what a good shot haa. Elok sangat la kan dua hari main hide and seek with me and now pergi futsal tak bagitaw awal-awal. Grrrr! I feel like i wanna bite his finger too!! Jangan terkejut if soon you find out a new version of video like this in youtube. it must be me, and his finggerr. HAHAH!

Ps: Ouch ouchh ouchhhh charlie. ouchhhhhhh. charliee, that really hurtss! ( I loveee awww ;p)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Rock and Roll

When I was a little girl, I often complained how miserable a life is without a sister. I was jealous, like real jealous with my cousin. She have a sister, who cares who loves who pampers her a lot. I could say that spoiled her a bit kot. Haha. See, the jealousy is still in the air.

Little girls always hunger for cute things. A complete set of Barbie, of course is a must. So did I. But since childhood, my parents never get me any of such girly things. I even wore overall sebab perangai macam budak lelaki, tapi tu lah. Hati still jambu kot. Nak jugak merasa bela Barbie yang pakai dress cantik-cantik macam princess tu. But guess what, when I got the doll, it didnt last long only for few months, or weeks maybe. Turned out, tinggal badan dengan sebelah kaki je. Rambut pun takde. Botak dah. HAHA.

Till now, I dont know who did torture my precious, one and only Barbie doll. Anyway, put that aside. Back to the sister thing, yeah I was so wanted a sister in my life. But not anymore. My brothers are just enough. Just them. ( yelaa takkan nak suruh my mom get preggy again kot. Sumpah tanak :D)

Im not sure what has gotten into me tonight, (it might be homesickness) I did phone-call marathon just now. Twice long-ass call to my parents and Harriz, and half an hour screaming and yelling session with Iqbal and Imran. God, I miss these two orang gila like crazy! (dont translate cos you'll find whos actually crazy :p) And sadly, I couldnt get through my big bro bcos he's working,probably the site that he goes to takde line. Padahal Genting je. 

I might not tell them enough, but boys you are all I want. I dont need sister since having you guys pun dah macam having one. The good thing is you dont nag at all. Maybe thats the reason why I used to nag you lots all this while. Heh. Brothers and sister for life! *big hugs*

I wont ask for anything else. Only one wish, I hope my future sisters in law are all rock too. So we can be goodfriends. YAY! 

P/s :  Thanks to HIM, for the wonderful girlfriends I have out there. Walaupun bukan biological sisters, we technically are connected with chemistry. <3 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Will you?

its confusing its torturing its hurting. 

behind everything, there's something cos youre not nothing.
kalaulah anda tahu apa yang sepatutnya anda tahu.

- Aishh still belum start study lagi. Risau nya! Doakan kan Khaireen dapat menjawab peperiksaan akhir semesternya dengan baik ya kawan-kawan. Terima kasih daun keladi! :))

Monday, February 21, 2011

D-e-a-t-h Race LOL

The test marathon is not going to start on Wednesday but on Saturday. Happy ke? No no jangan nak happy sangat lah khaireen kau ada tiga test on saturday lah gila jangan nak mengada. Now you pergi siap pergi study dengan orang lagi pandai bagi faham bagi boleh jawab test nanti. Okay bye.

-pen off.
-pray for me guys. please please please

Monday, February 14, 2011

b) Seremban, with joy

So as promised before, more pictures from my mid-sem break. :)

1) Syauqey's Farewell

Dhati and her bf, TK. Last minute invitation. :)

Syauqey tolong booked kan table bcos the kedai is next to his place. 

From right : Syauqey, Topp@Haziq, Claire

With belovedsss. :)

Claire and Fy. Beta tak dapat datang. :(

Nasi Arab. First time for Syauqey, Topp, Claire, Fy and Dhati.
TK and me dah pernah pergi sana.

A pharmacist-to-be. InsyaAllah.

In front of the restaurant.

Mamak sesion. Heart to heart talk. heh.

Perth, please treat him nicely. 

First time in our life pergi makan and were asked to leave sebab tak cukup table. We ended up at mamak stall to continue the dinner. Kelakar! Haha. And  had supper, which was on Mat Top. Beta and Nadia tak dapat join sebab masing-masing ada hal family.

To Syauqey, be safe and sound there. :) And tengok-tengok kan Efa k!

2) Food session with the BFF.
( Suka hati you all lah nak interpret it as bestfriend forever or boyfriend forever. Haha)

Waiting for food. :)
@Johan Seafood Senawang

Thai cuisine. Weehoo!

Ibu kirim bubur McD. Heh

Battle of the Tic Tac Touch.
@SR Mid Valley

Showing off the skill padahal bukan terror pun! :D

He won. 14 - 0. LOL

The meal was there but we still playing.
He tought me the tricks. No wonder he won. Erghhh!

MENANGgung kekalahan. Depressed! HAHA

FULL. Both, stomach and HEART. :))

 3) Kenduri kenduri kenduri dan makan ( tak boleh nak elak. HAHA!)

Nasi Minyak.
@ wedding at kampung.

Dah lama tak jumpa taw2 je dia dah masuk F1!

Mula-mula dia malu last-last dia yang posing sakan! :p

Told ya! They are crazy little cousins! Hehe

But this one is the craziest! Sengal gila! HAHA.
But he looks like me kan? ;p

With Kak Fara.
 Dapat jumpa sekali setahun je bcos we all sedara jauh.
And she lives in Bkt Antarabangsa which I rarely go.
Somehow, we are very close. :)

Enough with the pictures. Thank you for visiting! To conclude, the mid-sem break was fully utilised. I wanna keep all those sweet moments in my heart. However, theres someone I still have not meet. It's a sad thing you know (I couldnt sleep when I think about it).

Of smiles and tears, happiness and sadness,I am glad that I have a bunch of wonderful people in my life. Sure you guys have ones too. Lets appreciate them. Tak rugi pun. :)    

And sis, if you read this, I hope you sampai Moscow safely. Please do not be sad, speaking of which Im sure you will. Take care! :)

Monday, February 7, 2011

a) Penang, with Family

Done with the homework. At last! :)

Now, its time for blogging. Whats up peeps? I hope everything is fine.The semester break dah habis, but Im still at home. Proudly speaking, aku skip kelas hari ni. Haha. Kelas macro pulak tu. Takpe. Nanti sampai sana cepat-cepat carik member yang agak-agak fokus dalam kelas dan study terus! Hehe.

So cuti satu minggu ni memang hectic. Sangat busy keluar sana, keluar sini. If Im not mistaken, the only day yang I duduk kat rumah was on FRIDAY.

29/1 - Mid Valley with him.
30/1 - Off to Penang
31/1 - Off to Alor Setar
2/2 - Back to Penang again then off to Perak.
3/2 - Home at 3 a.m and went to Syauqey's farewell dinner.
4/2 - Sepatutnya pergi PD but bangun lambat, the TR girls dah gerak awal.
5/2 - Family gathering at Kak Ita's. Dinner with Hakim afterwards.
6/2 - Wedding at kampung and met little crazy cousins. :D

Ha.. busy kan? Mana taknya lupa ada banyak assignment. Haha. 

Im too lazy for words. Let the pictures do. 

Home made nasi lemak for supper. :)

Tatawlah the purpose of this pic. Konon sejuk. Haha

Hello Penang! @8.30 a.m

Otw to B.Bendera tapi bila dah sampai, it's closed for renovation.

Pasembor @ Gurney Drive

Damn crowded night @ Gurney Drive.

Beach session at 8.30 a.m. Angin kuat!

Harriz tengah semangat lompat. :P

The sand boy with 2 pondan sesat.HAHA

One of the good moments. Aww.

Every where online sampai Ibu pissed off. heh

Hello Alor Setaq! :D

Bowling for good. :)

Ayah menang dua-dua game. Ibu was curious and terbongkarlah rahsia
 ayah selalu main bowling with his collegues! Kantoi. Haha

Bila gambar dah snap baru perasan ayah was interfering!

@ Taman Tasik Taiping. Bigger than Tasik Titiwangsa. Heh

And I was at the wrong place, forced to snap the picture. Erghh!

All in all, I dare to guarantee that we had a very good time together, a very good escape to chill and a very good vacation for food hunting! Keluar rumah pukul 12 malam on 29 Jan, sampai rumah balik pukul 3 pagi on 3 Feb. Simply awesome!

I'll write about the other events soon. Please expect more pictures from me. Malas ni nak type-type.Heh. Now nak packing barang, going back to so-not-interesting-Segamat with Shila at 3 p.m. :(

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining

Finallyyyy dapat pun online!

But too bad I couldn't update either my Twitter or Facebook. So what everyone is up to? I'm done with blogwalking just now and I feel lost in the middle of nowhere.

In one of the blogs, I found something fishy is going on behind my back. Idk in what category should this feeling belong to. It's awkward. It's hurttt.

Ahh don't bother me. Lemme suck this feeling in && paste a big smile on my face. I hope it's nothing, really. It just me who care bout the crap. Good times gonna come. I should hold my horses hmm?

In any way, I should be happy by now. I'm attending Accounting Night and the coordinator program has just announced that the number of dean's list students of D.I.A in my campus is the HIGHEST among other UiTM campuses! Congrats!