Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Feeling Good

Helloo  peeps!

Im back to my all time lover now. Home sweet homey. Hehehe. Just finished final exams yesterday. Everything seems okay unless my account paper. Entah lah. On the one hand, I wanted to describe it as a very difficult, tough questions but on the other hand, I couldnt blame anything else except myself because it was me studying at the eleventh hour. Harap-harap lulus. *fingercrossed*

Okay left that behind now lets talk about my 5 weeks semester break. Yeayyy! I have few plans in mind which I just figured out this evening. Almaklumlah duduk rumah tak buat apa pun today. Dah lah bangun lambat, lepas tengok tv, makan and makan and makan lagi. So far paling last makan icecream pukul 8 tadi and now dah mengantuk dah pun. Hahaha! What a lazy day kan? Excuse me for that.Kan baru habis exam konon nak release stress lahh. Ahaks.

Tell you what, Im so happy being here. Yelaah sapa tak happy kan duduk rumah. Im sure you guys pun sama. For me, if I were away, I will be missing a lot of things. For instance, lately ni my dad came up with a new serious disease (like real serious huhu). Since he heard my siblings and I teasing our cousin calling her hubby 'baby', my dad also ordered my mom to call him 'baby'. ;p So now we have one 'baby tua' in our family. Hahaha. Eh no, he addresses himself as baby senior. Lol. And if my mom lupa panggil baby, he will make faces and ofcos merajuk. Hahaha macam budak kecik je but seeing them like this, I am so contented and jealous at the same time. Semoga Allah panjangkan jodoh mereka till the end of their life and hopefully, sampai syurga. Aminn.

Eh you guys tahu kan pasal Big Bad Wolf  Books? I so want to go there and grab some tapi takde sapa nak teman. Sedih betul. My Seremban gang semua tak cuti and ada yang tengah struggling dekat overseas tu haa. Nak pergi makan cendol pun takde gang. Ahh I miss our cendol session. Iskk tiba-tiba sebak pulak. :( Korang balik la cuti sini cepattt.  Esp Dhati yang tak sempat join the sesh and Cokey who owes a sesh. hahaha. And also Fy who is not really into cendol tapi minum kuah je. XD Also also also Claire and Beta yang susah nak jumpa macam dieorang pun study abroad jugak. Heh. Aishh malas la nak cerita panjang pasal all these people. Nanti dieorang sedih pulak. (baik punya cover teeheee)

Still, I have to admit that most people I adore is not always around me. Hakim is in Penang, sister in Mos-the-cow and my TR Girls pun are all over the world. Jumpa jarang-jarang. Luckily we have Fb, Twiter and blablabla to keep connecting. Yeah very lucky. Indeed. :)

Hmm I think thats all for now. I babbled too long, didnt I? Hoho. Take care lovers. Happy holiday!

And please please respect people around you. Be it friends or foes. You just don't know what will happen in future. Nothing is wrong with being nice to everyone as long as it don't cross any border. Suck you hatred in. It costs nothing and I know, it is easier said than done. Peace! :)


  1. Enjoy your holiday pretty! Yes, we (me and cokey) are coming back insyaAllah on Feb. So we can gather! Tp.. fify balik towards the end of feb. So aku tak sempat jumpa fify. Rindu korang.

  2. nak nangesss...huu..just 5 month from now babeyhh

  3. hantu kacak malas log inOctober 11, 2011 at 10:48 PM

    sesh? sisha ke?

  4. Yeay!! you guys coming homeeee! I cant waitt! Tapi hopefully time tu me belum final so kinda have time la nak hang out dgn korang.

    Dhat, we have skype what. Jangan sedih k tak dpt jumpa fy.

    Fy, jgn nanges now. nanges bila in msia so i can pujuk. hahaha

    and cokey, sesh is shortform for session. kan that day aku yg belanja. XD
