Tuesday, February 14, 2012

You're special. You always be.

Hi guys. Assalamualaikum. :)

I feel like writing something special since its Feb 14 today, right? Emm you think its abt Valentines day? Sorryy, not my type. This true story is kinda sad, but just bear it with me. Could you?

So where to begin huh? Hmm. Years ago, I had a great girlfriend. Actually two girlfriends. We are so closed and so into each other at that time sampaikan we called ourselves KRU.

If im not mistaken, it was in standard 3 where lagu KRU entitled Jangan Lafazkan tersangatlah famous. Lirik lagu tu memang we all hafal lah,word by word. Asal ada free time je mesti duet bertiga. Such a wonderful moment we had. >_<

We were also the school prefects. Nakalnya membuli budak biasa memang tak terkira. Hihihi. Siapa tak kenal geng KRU kan. Simply said, I memang rapat sangat dengan my friends tu. Too many good memories and bad ones, but thats what a real friendship has, no?

Waktu result Upsr keluar, only two of us yang dapat 5As. Me or a.k.a Yusry and Farah a.k.a Edry. Norman a.k.a Mai got 4As. Yes she was really upset when the result came out. Tapi mungkin ada hikmahnya. Allah the Almighty has promised, that He has good reasons for every single thing.

Masuk sekolah menengah, we started to do our own things. Farah and me masuk sekolah sama in Seremban, while Mai stayed in her place. Dia memang taknak masuk asrama. Again, thanks Allah sebab buat dia pilih macam tu. :')

Biasalah, I ni kan a bit dramatic so punya lah homesick duduk hostel. Everyday call my mom, and also Mai. I never missed my weekly appoinment with her. Banyak sangat benda kami share. I miss you, dear!

And ohh, waktu standard 5 our trio ada rapat dengan sorang cutey girl ni, her name is Emy. Since that, we all rapat berempat tapi Emy ni jumpa kt tmpt tuisyen je. And Emy jugak masuk sekolah
menengah sama dengan farah and me.

I sekolah dekat Seremban only for 2months then pindah masuk boarding school in Kuala Pilah, which is STJ. Time ni lagilah I selalu call Mai, to spill my heart out. She always there listening to my boring dramas and all, tapi dia tak pernah complaint. Again, miss you dear ! How I wish you are around.....

Tapi tak lama rupanya masa yang kami ada dengan dia. Allah Maha Penyayang. Cuti sekolah mid sem break dah tertulis Allah nak tarik nyawa dia sebab Allah sayang dia lebih. Terkejut, tergamam, tak terkata. Thats how I felt.

I still remember what happened that day. her cousin called me, crying insanely sampai I tak faham apa dia cakap. Yang I dapat tangkap, 'Najwa, Mai accident'. Ya Allah, terkesima sekejap. Baru je malam sebelum tu I had a short catch up call with her. Baru sangattt. Tak expect langsung menda macam ni jadi. Again, back to Him. He knows all.

Semua orang sedih. Semua orang tak sangka.

After few hours of major surgery, the doc informed us about her condition. Shes safe, not with us, but with Him.


Sedih. Sangat. I was there at the hospital. I went to see her that night, for the very last time before her postmortem. There were blood everywhere. All over her body. But I could see her smile. She looked fine, to me. But still, she left. She left me. She left us. She left her family.

Just imagine, I lost my closest friend at 13y/o.

Bukan senang I nak digest the lost. It took months or a year, thats what I believe. But tonight, while reciting Yassin on her 21st birthday, I still couldnt hold my tears. Its been 8years. I miss you all the time Mai.

I know she will never ever know about this but I have to spill this out.

'Mai, aku rindu. Betul. Aku doakan kau baik-baik dekat alam sana. Semoga Allah terima doa aku untuk kau. Semoga sejahtera sentiasa. Mai, macam mana aku nak jumpa mak kau if every time dia nampak aku, dia menangis teringatkan kau. Dia peluk aku kuat sangat hari tu. Dia cakap dia tak boleh tengok aku, dia bayangkan kau sama besar macam aku. Tak sanggup aku tengok air mata dia jatuh Mai. Apa-apa pun, Semoga kau dilindungi sentiasa, dijauhkan dari azab kubur. Aminn.'

Sedih macammana pun, i bersyukur sangat Allah bagi I rapat dgn arwah sepanjang hayat dia. See ada hikmah kenapa dia tak masuk hostel. I dapat call dia selalu. Cos I used to have her around, bila dia takde memang terasa. I pernah call no rumah dia lepas tu letak. Tak pasti sama ada i kuat or not nak cakap dgn family dia. Fyi, arwah was also my cousin.

You guys, sayanglah kawan-kawan you. Never treat them badly. Appreciate your time, what you have. Bila2 Allah boleh tarik semua. Taknak laa ada benda tak settle kan? I hope so. Before its too late, i pun nak mintak maaf. Deeply sorry.

- happy birthday sayang -


  1. sedih :(
    I wish i could be like her

  2. Jangan lah sedih. I need your strength. Btw, korang dua special. you dont have to be like her. glad to have you two and others. ;)
