Thursday, November 11, 2010

It Does My Heart Good

Last night, few minutes before 00:00, my bf sent me a text msg.

H : Have you finished your Toblerone?
N : Yea... Why??
H : I have bought one and thought that we could celebrate our anniversary by eating it. :)

OMG, he's too sweet! * heart melted* Heeee. Loike! Loike! But hmmm.. I felt guilty at the same time. Yelaa. Orang tu dah baik dah nak makan choc sama-sama but kita punya dah habis. Kesiannya..... Sorryyyy :(

Well, it's our 3rd anniversary today :) and like we always did before, we are celebrating it at two different places but still of the same occasion, sitting for exams. Erghh. How pathetic.

P/s: I'm glad we are still kicking together my love. :)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Big Smile

When you feel like no one cares, no one adores, do not be sad. Actually they do remember you. It just that they don't have time to drop by.

To those whom concern : I owe you guys one BIG time. So, here it goes:

Big thanks to Gmoy for calling. I miss you and others too! Dont worry, we gonna meet soon. Real soon babe :)

Big thanks to Komeng for ur advice. Aku takkan tinggalkan dia la. Come hell or high water. Gilaa apa?? Haha. Now dah baik dahhh :))

Also, big thanks Qla@yeyel for inviting us to your review. Excitednya nak tengok projek kau! Nanti aku bawak semua pergi tengok k! Hehe.

Not to forget, big thanks to sister for your new Russian number. So, you had received my mail huh? It's compulsory for you to reply you know. :p btw, you owe me a lot of stories, didn't you? :))

P/s : You, though words can not exactly express my feelings, I still wanna tell you that I'm glad you are around to fix me up. :))

P/ss : I have two more papers to go, tapi still sempat pulak blogging kan. Heh. Baik pen off and study now.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Miserable at Best

Am I too demanding??? I thought it's normal. Ahhh. I'm failed. AGAIN.

[ a loud boo for a helpless girl ]

P/S: Bad boys are home and I'm far away here, homesick to death. Two sad things aren't good. I have exam tomorrow. It's LAW. :( Give me some guides Allah.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

When Heroes Have Power

Err supposedly weekend is the best time for us to relax, but not for me. My siblings all are on holiday, so it is a bit chaotic here.

Imran and Iqbal are definitely loving. They smack, they kick, and they punch me. Ohhh how lovely they are. But Iqbal is not as agressive as Imran is. Thank God for that! Tapi you all tak payah kesian sangat dengan saya coz I know how to fight back. Well I have a not-so-likeable squeez. They certainly will squeak in a short while. Hahaha. That's why they call me, ketam. Sewel punya budak. :D

They all suka membuli jugak ( ingatkan hostel je ada ragging2 ni. Haha) Tak boleh nampak I senang. Ada je benda they all mintak tolong. Semalam baru ingat nak tengok Nora Robert's High Noon series tapi dah kena hantar they all pergi swimming. Yea, Im a sister and a driver too. *sobbing* Tapi takpela. Saya suruh belanja cendol as a token of aprreciation. Hehe. Clever girl right?

Pagi tadi pulak ada special request from my mom suruh masak carbonara fettucine. It's okay tak kisah pun coz I love to cook. Heee. So bila dah penat-penat masak, mestila kita nak orang makan kan. Nasib baik they all tak banyak bunyik. Kalau tak sure melayang utensil kat kepala masing-masing. Coz usually they comdemn my cook eventhough at that point of time they all tengah tambah for the second or third round. Sumpah annoying gila perangai diaorang. Hahah.

Still remember my post entitled Siblings Adrenaline? I told you that everytime we want to surf Internet, we have to fight first. But not for this time, at least until they are done with SPM. Padan mukaaa. *evil laugh*. HAHAHA. Sekarang dah takde dah sorang satu browser. Now I can use all - googlechrome,IE,Mozilla and safari at one time. One time babeh. Dan mereka hanya boleh menjeling dengan muka mintak penampar. Hohoho.

Anyhow, no matter how annoying, irritating or disgusting they are, Im glad they are home. I miss them a lot actually. I'm just not good enough at showing my affection. Erk. Brothers and sister forever!

Meet the Tarzans of my heart, 

Time ni Imran tengah buat perangai. Typical mental disorder behavior.  Haha

Iqbal is more relax than Imran. Heh

With MOM. 

In their fitting room. They all tak panggil itu bilik sbb bersepah sangat. Haha

P/S : Ni baru dua hero. I have aprroximately 4 other heroes in my life. I will tell bout them soon. Heh

Friday, October 22, 2010

You Will Never Know

He is back to Penang today, leaving this cranky girl here with a hope that time flies extra fast so that a month feels like a day. Ahh I sound so weak didn't I?

I hate it when we are apart. Maybe two years isn't enough for me to adapt my life without having him around. Well I must say missing him is compulsory. It's like a pill, a medicine. I have to take it everyday.

The journey takes at least 4 hours from Bangi to Penang. Of course its tiring. Few bottles of RedBull or Livita might help but nothing much can be done. Its physical and mental tiredness. Of the hell course Im worried about him. You can smirk now, but if your loved ones have to travel far, you will realize soon. Its risky babe. Now tell me, how could I resist this feeling?

He loves speed. He loves being fast and fast and fast. Oh God. Protect him please. I dont wanna lost him. Not yet. Im not ready to find a new best friend or a new shoulders to cry on or a new lifepartner. I dont even want to get ready. I dont have what it takes. Fullstop.

Thank God hes  arrived safely  just now. :)

You will never know how much I adore you.

P/S : Top Chef is launching its Season 5 now. And Ilan who I had been talking about in previous entry is from Season 2. Poor khaireen. She was left behind. :D A superb show to watch, IF AND ONLY IF you have passion in cooking.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Moving Forward

Hye all!

Terasa macam idea tengah melimpah-ruah umpama koko mencurah-curah ke ladang gandum. Lalu terjadilah KOKO CRUNCH! Ibu suka, anak ceria. * Kalau tak silap la tagline dia.*

Ini penangan otak beku ye.Haha. Abaikan. Eh kejap. Nak cerita jugak dengan you all. Currently saya ada problem dengan progression Miss Brain saya ni. Tak tau apesal. Mungkin dia merajuk atau sebenarnya malas nak bekerja. Tulah, pantang kasi cuti rehat lama sikit. Padahal 2bulan je. Aishh Miss Brain. Janganlah macam ni. 

Saya tak boleh lah kalau hari-hari macam ni. Lecture dah start. Homework menimbun. Tapi bila saya mintak tolong awak, awak meragam pulak. Awak kenapa ni? Nak saya re-install ke? Jangan la macam tu. Nanti habis hilang memory lama. Oh tidak! Saya tak ready. ;( Saya kasi awak masa okay? Sampai pukul 12 malam esok. Lepas tu awak turn back to normal okay?  Kita spend time together macam sebelum ni. Saya tau kita dua boleh work together kan? Please....

*******The End

Esok dah August 1st kan? You all tau apa maknanya? Err.. Tak silap saya Aug 1st is a Friendship's Day. Mungkin you pelik friendship pun nak ada hari yang specific ke? Sepatutnya everyday is a friendship's day kan. Yelaa. Rasa-rasanya semua orang ada kawan dan mesti semua sayang kawan masing-masing. Takkan sayang kat bf/gf je kan. Tak universal langsung. Haha.

Well,its admitted that ada banyak jenis kawan dalam dunia ni. Kita boleh pilih ikut selera kita. Every body has rights to choose. Ada ke yang terpaksa? I don think so. Takkan la hal macam ni ada jugak kes kau-terpaksa-aku-dipaksa? Eish. Kes berat ni. 10 kilo agak-agak ringan ke berat? Haha. Lu pikirla sendiri. Jangan la sampai berkawan dengan hati yang tak ikhlas. Not nice people. Kita kawan ni bukan untuk sehari dua kan? Paling tidak, nak la jugak kawan sampai kahwin. Sebab nanti lepas kahwin dah tak kisah pasal kawan dah. Lepas kahwin nak fikir hal hubby / wife, anak-anak, hal rumahtangga lagi. Aissh. Rumit gila. Cakap macam dah kahwin je kan? Padahal single and available lagi ni. Haha. * Statement palsu :D*

I guess semua orang tahu and semua faham dalam friendship, mesti ada dua pihak yang sentiasa tolerate, give-and-take, and open-minded. If one party fails to perform such simple tasks, the friendship ain't go anywhere. Umpama kereta yang canggih, berkilat baru lepas hantar snow wash tapi sayang, takdak petrol langsung. Try start engine berjuta-juta lemon kali pun takkan dapat. Driver and kereta dah ada. Driver dah ready nak play the role as driver, tapi kereta tak bagi commitment nak bergerak. Sama macam friendship la kan? Asyik you je ikut cakap dia, lama-lama bila kesabaran dah sampai tahap fully-floaded, Selamat Jalan Romeo la jawabnya. Tak pun Hi Hi Bye Bye. Haha.

Kita pun kena terima kawan kita tu seadanya. Macam mana dia time first kita jumpa dia, macam tu la yang sepatutnya kita terima. Dia gelak mengilai ke, dia jalan reverse ke, suka pakai baju terbalik ke, itu dia punya pasal. ( Wujud ke? Haha) You patut nya try to adopt dengan life dia. Kan best kalau kawan kita tu berubah bukan sebab kita suruh tapi sebab dia terikut-ikut dengan kita. Better kot. Hih. 

Let say kawan you ni suka amalkan diet tak sihat sebab dia taknak jadi gemuk. You pulak asyik membebel kat dia suruh makan sayur tu la, sayur ni la. Nanti mesti member kita lagi bengang. Cuba you  guna soft-skills yang terpendam. You makan je apa yang you suka, nanti bila dia terliur, mesti dia ikut. Lagi-lagi bila tengok you maintain slim.
( padahal dia taktahu you minum Jusmate5 Dr. Rozmey. Haha.)

Actually, tak susah pun kan nak maintain friendship. You all mesti ada experience. Mana tau ada friendship jadi relationship ke? Ahaks. Terbatuk orang Penang. Haha. So one of the ways is kerjasama. Bear it people. :) Jangan membuli dan membiarkan diri anda dibuli. Lagi-lagi time musim  assignment melanda. Susah sama susah la patutnya. Jangan jadi pak turut okay. all rasa you all pernah tak tunjuk kan appreciation you all terhadap your friends? OMG. Jangan cakap tak pernah. Birthday pernah bagi present tak? ( Kalau wish birthday mesti semua pernah so tanya yang jarang-jarang berlaku sikit. Hehe) Kalau belum pernah, cubalah. Ini ada promotion. Tak lama lagi tuan punya belog punya birthday. Show your concern. Mana tau nanti you all dijadikan topic untuk entry dia? Fuh. Materialistik betul. Haha. You prepare je kay. Ade lagi 4 months to go. *Peace! Hoho*

Kawan you all ramai tak? I have loads. Ada yang still keep in touch ada yang dah lost. Tapi honestly saya cakap, saya sayang semua kawan-kawan tak kira dulu,kini atau in the future. Mungkin saya pernah made up few fights dengan few people, tapi saya tak pernah simpan lama-lama. Mungkin sekejap dalam 4-5 tahun? Heh. Kidding. :)) 

Bestfriends pun saya ada. Boleh la tahan ramai. Yang ini lagi la. Sayang gila-gila punya. Kalau lama tak jumpa, rasa macam something missing. Kira they all ni macam my other half la. Walaupun ada yang suka jadi biskut. Kejap ada kejap takde tapi sayang jugak! Kalau nak list kat sini, takut tak tertulis semua pulak. Nanti ada yang kecil hati barang se-sentimeter dua-sentimeter. ( Se-inci or dua-inci tak sesuai coz memang lumrah hati manusia kecil diameternya. Heh.)

Lamanya tak dengar cerita pasal kawan-kawan kat sekolah. Are they doing well? Hope so. Cakap pasal sekolah, rindu nak tukar-tukar pencil. * Senyum kucing gatal ;) * HAHA. Tak pe. Tak lama lagi dah nak puasa then raya. Dengar-dengar nak buat convoy again? YAY! Tapi tak tau jadi ke tak. Takut end-up macam Pangkor Escape yang tak jadi tu je. Hoho.


Facebok Facebook, ramainya kawan-kawan saya time sekolah  rendah yang add saya. Malu lah. Dah dekat 7 tahun tak jumpa plus lost contact. Mesti saya jadi bualan hangat kan? HAHA. Lagi-lagi bila cinta monyet time zaman tok kaduk tiba-tiba muncul. 
* Perasan dah overdose ni. Tolong lahh. Haha *

Frankly speaking, happy to see you guys again tapi cinta monyet? Erkk. Apa kah? Saya Alzheimer.( Abaikan spelling. Sorry doc!)

Icecream if terbiar in open place akan cair. The same thing goes to friendship. Tak sentiasa baik,sometimes ada jugak gaduh-gaduh manja. Hehe.

P/S : Teringat Friendship's Day time Form 5. But it changed only for a while. Nevermind. HE has a reason for that kan?
Jangan risau sweetheart. Im fixed. <3

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Renew Your Heart

*Peace be upon you people *

Hows everyone? Hope you guys are doing great no matter where on earth you are. Jaga diri baik-baik. Jaga diri tu includes jaga makan and jaga kesihatan la eh. Err.. solat pun kena jaga jugak. Huhu. Ini makanan for our souls which is very important to maintain a good life. So, handle with care yea?  :)

Saya ada program di Masjid As-syakirin hari Selasa lepas. Program Titian Ilmu. Compulsory to every student who stays in college. So nak tak nak kena pergi jugak la if not, next semester susah nak dapat college and bila tak dapat duduk college kena duduk luar campus bila duduk luar kena la cari rumah sewa, kereta and expenses pun makin banyak. Jadi saya pun pergi la ke program tersebut setelah memikirkan consequences nya. ( Macam tak ikhlas je kan? Haha )

Put that aside and lets talk about what do I get there. Sesungguhnya ada hikmah di sebalik setiap yang terjadi pada kita kan? Mula-mula memang la half-half je tapi bila dah sampai masjid, hati dah bertukar. Bukan bertukar jadi Ultraman ke Spiderman ke, tapi bertukar jadi sayu bila mengenang kan kalau takde program ni takkan punya saya jejak kaki ke masjid. Hoho. Jadi, set niat nak dengar ceramah, ikhlaskan hati. Tak susah pun sebenarnya. Nak dengan taknak je.

Bila hati dah ikhlas ( sepatutnya ikhlas tak boleh cakap. Huhu ) apa yang kita dengar mesti menusuk ke kalbu kan? Topic hari tu ialah hindari sifat dengki dan cemburu atau kata lain nye jealousy. Lebih kurang macam tula.Hehe. So, I wanna share with ya something which I think will help us in leading our lives to a better level.

Semua orang mesti pernah rasa jealous kan? The same thing goes to me. Kadang-kadang jealous bila ada orang lagi pandai dari saya. Jealous bila orang lain boleh bersuka-ria at the same time tak perlu study tapi result still gempak. Jealous jugak bila orang lain dapat apa yang dia nak dengan senang.Err..Such as cool gadgets, sport cars, nice handbags, pretty shoes and classy watches. But my envious takde la sampai nak benci orang tu. Cukup dengan cakap " Jealousnyeee...." nanti lepas dua tiga minit lupa la pasal orang tu.Haha. One more thing, I found it hurt like hell when someone mentioned about someone in front of MY someone. Grrr. Ini baru betul-betul jealous dan tak cukup dengan cakap "Jealousnyeee.." berbilion-bilon kali. This one makan dalam okey. Erkk.

Back to the lesson, Ustaz saya cakap tak baik kita ada perasaan macam ni kat orang lain lagi-lagi kawan kita sendiri. We should pray for them instead of badmouthing them. Tak kisah la apa yang dia buat tu macam mana sekali  pun. If they are doing  bad ones, then we pray for something good happens. Jangan pulak you dengki then doakan yang buruk-buruk. You all pun tahu kan doa yang berunsur menda tak baik takkan dimakbulkan? If taktahu, bleh google okay. Heh.

For an instance, ustaz tu cakap pasal Hanis Zalikha and her blog. You all kenal dia kan? Beatiful and intelligent I must say. Dia ada blog yang follower nya dah sampai 7000 or 9000 ++ kan? Ustaz saya tu pun ada blog jugak. Tapi blog dia baru 17 followers. Hanis tu pernah jadi student dia. Tapi dia tak cemburu pun. In fact, dia cakap dengan Hanis suruh masukkan pengajaran yang baik-baik dalam entry dia since she have numerous fans. Ustaz tu cakap lagi tak kisah la pasal apa pun yang Hanis tulis tapi selagi dia ada contribute something good to public, takde salahnya.

Of course la dekat blog Ustaz tu dia berdakwah kan. Bezakan dengan blog Hanis? tapi siapa kita nak kata apa yang Hanis tu buat salah apa yang Ustaz tu buat betul. Hes the Al-Mighty lagi tahu hati manusia macam mana kan? Tak semestinya yang baik bertudung labuh berserban tu tak pernah tinggal solat, tak pernah derhaka terhadap ibu bapa. Dan tak semestinya yang sosial sana sini tu tak pernah solat langsung seumur hidup dia, tak pernah buat baik to parents. We are human. Speaking of which, all have weaknesses. Just mind one thing, dont judge a book by its cover. :)

P/S : I am human too. I do make mistakes and I learned from it. I do have my not-so-favourite past but I never regret. Because I believe karma does work. What goes around, comes around. 
Be nice :)

And kepada sesiapa yang saya pernah sakitkan hati, lukakan hati or buat anda kecewa, menyampah berbakul-bakul dengan saya, Im truly sorry. I mean it. You know who you are and I know, you do read  my blog.* Gila perasan. :D*

Lets renew our hearts friends. Tak lama lagi dah nak Ramadhan. Macam Mr. Espana kata dia hope sangat Ramadhan kali ni dia dapat buat betul-betul kaw. Mari ikut dia! Hehe.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Fully Loaded

I had a long weekend. What about you? It was tiring tapi sumpah best gila!! Cut my finger people! Yeahh! ( Hyperactive.Haha )

Let me tell you how great it was.

We start with Saturday eh. June 26.
Bangun pagi je dah dengar suara alarm yang tak pernah di set.
Bangun! Bangun! Dah lambat ni. Tak solat lagi tu. ( Ibulah yang kejut. Hehe)
So, bila that alarm had warned, kenalaa bangun. Gosok gigi and mandi! Mood time tu sedih. Of course la. Hello! Bangun pagi on weekend is a torture for me taw. ( Dah kahwin nanti lain cerita. Haha ) Dah siap-siap semua, masuk kereta. Pergi breakfast. Yeay! Suka sebab makan capati kedai mamak. Erk. Dont give me that look! Kedai India Muslim laa. Bersih. Depan masjid lagii. Capati dia memang sedapp. Roti canai dia pun sedap. Kat sana ada banyak choice. Just name it. Takyah risau sebab semua sedap. Hehe. Kuah pun ada macam-macam. Kari kambing, kuah dal, kuah apa-apa lagi ntah tapi memang banyak sangat.

Time saya sampai tu ramai orang. Luckily ada meja. So lepas dah makan semua tunggu turn nak bayar, ada one family ni baru sampai. From their apparels I guess they all baru balik jogging. Anak dia handsome. Tiba-tiba ambil sudu daripada meja sebelah saya. But yang buat saya confuse, he asked for my permission. Eh, menda alah tu atas meja sebelah laa. Kantoi nak ngorat. Haha. *Perasan* ( But it really happened. :p) His mom pun dah pandang-pandang table kteorg. OMG! Bukan saya yang mulakan. 0_0. So untuk mengcover keadaan tersebut saya pun bangun dan masuk ke kereta. Fuhh! Lega~~ Bukan apa. Segan dengan makcik tu. Dengan anak dia buat apa. Hehe.

After sent my dad to a meeting at his office, I drove to S2.( Dengan selamatnya! Hiii.) Casamoda babeh. My mom nak beli kain ela for her baju raya. Pilih punya pilih, she got rambang mata! Last-last ada satu kain ni dia suka sangat. Very nice. Usually bila dah suka something, we grab it directly kan? But not my mom. She asked the sales girl to hold on the masterpiece and dia pulak kept moving forward and backward. Okay. Itu adalah tips untuk ensure kain itu betul- betul cantik. Tak kira dari jarak jauh or dekat.You should try ladies. Haha. The climax of that activity was the pay time. Oh Mom. You should be the happiest mom on earth! Abang and kakak belikan you kain tu. Melayang la jugak beberapa not kertas. Takpe. It worth your big smile Ibu! :D I did not buy anything for myself. Sebab terfikir nak pakai skinny jeans and big Tee je time Hari Raya nanti. Haha. ( Ini tipu)

Hari sangat panas ye. Memang tak tahan. So lepas dah jemput my dad, pergi makan cendol. Oh MY! Its for real! Baru je request on Friday night. Suka! Suka! Suka! :) Cendol tersebut memang mengliur kan ( betul ke macam ni eja dia? Peduli kan. Ahaha.) Sejukk. Manisss. Cendol,, you are super-licious! Mesti teringat bila dah balik Segamat nanti. Arghh. ;( Dah settle semua, balik rumah. So, that was the story of my Saturday. Belum masuk Sunday lagi. Tiba-tiba rasa malas nak type pulak. Nanti panjang-panjang ada yang bosan. Eishh. Enough lah kan?

Sunday surely lagi memenatkan thann Saturday. Pergi wedding dekat Melawati, KL, then pergi Kajang. Time otw to Melawati sempat lagi round-round KLCC and BB. Yelaa. Keluar rumah awal pagi oh. Lebih kurang 9? So, sempat la untuk aktiviti sampingan. KL pulak tengah kosong time tu. I mean the roads or streets or traffics. Tak banyak kereta pun. Weehoo! Its show time! B) Alamak. Dah makin panjang. So, its better for me cut it off until here. Goodbye and Thanks readers! ( walaupun tak ramai yang baca. Haha.)

This Is Not A Promise

To be sincere, it took 30minutes for me to think for a suitable title of this entry. Bukan lah nak kata otak saya RAMnya kecik dan lambat berfikir, tapi takde idea la. Because tilam and bantal never, ever fail dalam bab goda-menggoda ni. HAHA. So, saya tidur dulu okay. Tomorrow if sempat and ada benda to talk about, I'll post something. Good night and Sleep tight! And do not forget to recite doa tidur okay!

Antique pic. :)

P/S : I do miss someone a lot. I had hurt him a lot lately. I am sorry a lot dearie. Boleh bayangkan tak banyak mana saya rindu dekat dia, banyak mana saya dah sakitkan hati dia dan banyak mana saya menyesal? If you angguk, my TIGA KALI a lot do really work out! :)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Every this, Every that

The Notebook Pictures, Images and Photos

P/S : Come hell or high water. You're fixed in my heart. If Allah's will.