Saturday, October 23, 2010

When Heroes Have Power

Err supposedly weekend is the best time for us to relax, but not for me. My siblings all are on holiday, so it is a bit chaotic here.

Imran and Iqbal are definitely loving. They smack, they kick, and they punch me. Ohhh how lovely they are. But Iqbal is not as agressive as Imran is. Thank God for that! Tapi you all tak payah kesian sangat dengan saya coz I know how to fight back. Well I have a not-so-likeable squeez. They certainly will squeak in a short while. Hahaha. That's why they call me, ketam. Sewel punya budak. :D

They all suka membuli jugak ( ingatkan hostel je ada ragging2 ni. Haha) Tak boleh nampak I senang. Ada je benda they all mintak tolong. Semalam baru ingat nak tengok Nora Robert's High Noon series tapi dah kena hantar they all pergi swimming. Yea, Im a sister and a driver too. *sobbing* Tapi takpela. Saya suruh belanja cendol as a token of aprreciation. Hehe. Clever girl right?

Pagi tadi pulak ada special request from my mom suruh masak carbonara fettucine. It's okay tak kisah pun coz I love to cook. Heee. So bila dah penat-penat masak, mestila kita nak orang makan kan. Nasib baik they all tak banyak bunyik. Kalau tak sure melayang utensil kat kepala masing-masing. Coz usually they comdemn my cook eventhough at that point of time they all tengah tambah for the second or third round. Sumpah annoying gila perangai diaorang. Hahah.

Still remember my post entitled Siblings Adrenaline? I told you that everytime we want to surf Internet, we have to fight first. But not for this time, at least until they are done with SPM. Padan mukaaa. *evil laugh*. HAHAHA. Sekarang dah takde dah sorang satu browser. Now I can use all - googlechrome,IE,Mozilla and safari at one time. One time babeh. Dan mereka hanya boleh menjeling dengan muka mintak penampar. Hohoho.

Anyhow, no matter how annoying, irritating or disgusting they are, Im glad they are home. I miss them a lot actually. I'm just not good enough at showing my affection. Erk. Brothers and sister forever!

Meet the Tarzans of my heart, 

Time ni Imran tengah buat perangai. Typical mental disorder behavior.  Haha

Iqbal is more relax than Imran. Heh

With MOM. 

In their fitting room. They all tak panggil itu bilik sbb bersepah sangat. Haha

P/S : Ni baru dua hero. I have aprroximately 4 other heroes in my life. I will tell bout them soon. Heh

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