Monday, February 14, 2011

b) Seremban, with joy

So as promised before, more pictures from my mid-sem break. :)

1) Syauqey's Farewell

Dhati and her bf, TK. Last minute invitation. :)

Syauqey tolong booked kan table bcos the kedai is next to his place. 

From right : Syauqey, Topp@Haziq, Claire

With belovedsss. :)

Claire and Fy. Beta tak dapat datang. :(

Nasi Arab. First time for Syauqey, Topp, Claire, Fy and Dhati.
TK and me dah pernah pergi sana.

A pharmacist-to-be. InsyaAllah.

In front of the restaurant.

Mamak sesion. Heart to heart talk. heh.

Perth, please treat him nicely. 

First time in our life pergi makan and were asked to leave sebab tak cukup table. We ended up at mamak stall to continue the dinner. Kelakar! Haha. And  had supper, which was on Mat Top. Beta and Nadia tak dapat join sebab masing-masing ada hal family.

To Syauqey, be safe and sound there. :) And tengok-tengok kan Efa k!

2) Food session with the BFF.
( Suka hati you all lah nak interpret it as bestfriend forever or boyfriend forever. Haha)

Waiting for food. :)
@Johan Seafood Senawang

Thai cuisine. Weehoo!

Ibu kirim bubur McD. Heh

Battle of the Tic Tac Touch.
@SR Mid Valley

Showing off the skill padahal bukan terror pun! :D

He won. 14 - 0. LOL

The meal was there but we still playing.
He tought me the tricks. No wonder he won. Erghhh!

MENANGgung kekalahan. Depressed! HAHA

FULL. Both, stomach and HEART. :))

 3) Kenduri kenduri kenduri dan makan ( tak boleh nak elak. HAHA!)

Nasi Minyak.
@ wedding at kampung.

Dah lama tak jumpa taw2 je dia dah masuk F1!

Mula-mula dia malu last-last dia yang posing sakan! :p

Told ya! They are crazy little cousins! Hehe

But this one is the craziest! Sengal gila! HAHA.
But he looks like me kan? ;p

With Kak Fara.
 Dapat jumpa sekali setahun je bcos we all sedara jauh.
And she lives in Bkt Antarabangsa which I rarely go.
Somehow, we are very close. :)

Enough with the pictures. Thank you for visiting! To conclude, the mid-sem break was fully utilised. I wanna keep all those sweet moments in my heart. However, theres someone I still have not meet. It's a sad thing you know (I couldnt sleep when I think about it).

Of smiles and tears, happiness and sadness,I am glad that I have a bunch of wonderful people in my life. Sure you guys have ones too. Lets appreciate them. Tak rugi pun. :)    

And sis, if you read this, I hope you sampai Moscow safely. Please do not be sad, speaking of which Im sure you will. Take care! :)


  1. hantu kacak malas log inFebruary 14, 2011 at 8:38 AM

    weyh terharu laa siot aku :') hahahah. insyaAllah aku tengok2kan ntah2 dye yg tengok2kan aku.

    jap2, gamba 2nd last tu imran ke? hahah.

  2. Syauqey : Yeahh I know. Dont cry then. HAHAH. Korang sam2 la jaga-menjaga. :)

    Dhati : Ur welcome dear.

    Fy : I miss you too! Wait ehh nanti aku call. :)

  3. Ohh lupa pulak. Yes syauqey. That's imran. HAHA
