Friday, June 19, 2009

Wheelchair's Story

i dont know why i wrote this..
maybe because the incident happened last evening touched me a lot lot lot...
my grandma lives with me..she's a very caring person..she minds about so many things which i think she shouldn't do at her age..hehehe..biaselah tua...
and she's quit stubborn..erk...yeke? tetap pendirian lagi sesuai kowt...

nak dijadikan citer...during the last school holidays, she had an argument with my little brother...tym tue they were having lunch...he wanted to eat a fried chicken...unfortunately, my grandma dah amik dlu..ayam grg tue plak ade satu he tried to take it from her..that made the argument..after finished, he came to me complaining bout my grandma..all i did was laughing..i told him to be patient...lumrah la mengalah kan...he nodded...alhamdulillah....xpayah pjuk susah2..huuuhuu...but guess what???
today die lepas geram to my grandma!!

adoyai....slps seminggu plak tue...thought that he forgot already..huh..really unexpected! ade ke patut he played hide and seek dgn my grandma! tym tue she was sleeping.. my adik sorokkan her wheelchair dkt stor rumah kteorg!!
pity granny .huhuu....when shes awake and realised her wheelchair was missing, she yelled my name...i pown carik kan lah...and jmpe!
at first my adik tanak mother tricked him well and he was trapped!
sape kate kids have no idea how to express their feelings???